Lynn Scheurell


Change Happens Instantly With A Shift In Your Perspective

A 1:1 Consultation to Clarify What Is Holding Back Your Results And Why You Do Not Have The Life Or Business You Want

Entrepreneurs, consultants, business owners, freelancer, business professionals…. as one of these types of people professionally, you need all their energy to create results. Clarity lets you access all your energy. Just one session together can bring you instant shift to get unstuck and in momentum toward achieving your goals.

Clarity Click Session
Clarify what’s happening.

Become aware of the patterns, habits, relationships, beliefs, environments and more that have kept you trapped, stuck, unproductive or ‘less than’ in making progress toward your goals.

Consider your tipping point.

There is usually a moment, an opportunity, a point of awareness that can ‘tip’ your experience in a different direction. We will look for the point that unlocks fresh momentum, new clarity and personal power.

Work your critical inch.

There is a difference between activity, which takes up time, and productivity, which creates a given result. Look at where you’re putting your time to see if it’s an investment or a lost opportunity.


The most powerful transformations occur in an instant. Just as in light there can be no darkness, the same is true for personal insight – where you have knowing, there is no more floundering. Every powerful change begins with increased awareness and perception.

Where you experience the discovery of something previously hidden to you on some level is where you experience the freedom of proactive, informed choice and profound growth to your next best level.

This session is unique in that we follow your patterns, passions and perceptions, addressing what presents in the moment, and focused on laser clarity to catapult you out of where you are to where you want to be in your life or business.


Your B.S. – or Belief Systems – are what can make or break your success. Left unexamined, they can actually create a lot of undesirable results. Even more challenging are the Belief Systems you don’t know about…

Many people know that they have both conscious and unconscious beliefs, and that the unconscious beliefs are the ones that block you from living your best life and expressing your true life purpose.

Of course, the trouble with that is… they are UNCONSCIOUS! You can’t reach them by using your linear mind, which is what we’ve been conditioned by society to do as our default strategy.

Just as you can’t see the wind but you can see where it’s having an effect by blowing leaves around, you can’t see your Belief Systems – but you CAN see what they create through your results.

*** One woman sabotaged her ability to have money for her entire life and never understood why – until she realized she had a childhood belief created when she took $5 from mom’s purse and was chastised for it.

*** Another client did not understand why her business wasn’t bringing in money consistently – until she discovered that she was following her mother’s wishes to stay small and, therefore, safe.

*** Yet another woman did not know why her business wasn’t taking off the way she planned – until she realized she was going against her father’s deeply ingrained ‘training’ in taking the traditional route to success (i.e., getting a job and working hard at it vs. opening her own business).

As a result of seeing their B S in action through our work together, I am happy to report that they have created dramatic new results in their lives and businesses by making conscious choices (instead of going off unconscious BS!).


During our work together, you and I will discern what’s really happening to find your pivot point to create new traction.

The idea is that you break your inertia and gain clarity quickly so you can take focused action toward what you want to create for your life and business starting immediately.

Note: there is no future obligation as a result of this session; my intention is to simply help you see what you cannot see on your own so you can get moving again with new intensity.

If you are ready to get unstuck, connect your dots and get moving with new vitality, this is the session for you (and the future of your success).

Your session will be by phone or Skype. (If by phone, I can record our session and send you an mp3 audio afterward via email so you don’t have to worry about taking notes!)


Clarity Click Session

If you don’t know the value of insights to create a breakthrough in your life and business, you are not ready and I can’t help you. (Nobody can… in that case, consider taking my Change Readiness Assessment here.)

HOWEVER, if this resonates with you, then take action now as the ONLY way you can create new results.

By investing $347 in yourself through this session, you can save yourself from floundering, hitting blank walls and being stuck in analysis paralysis OR in discovering how to active the key to making your life and business even better.

THAT is the power of a ‘clarity click’ – saving potentially years of unhappiness, stress and an inner push-pull toward what you know can be yours vs. the clarity, understanding and the ability to take focused action starting now to actually create and live it.

Your ‘clarity click’ is just, well, a click away! Once your purchase comes through, me or one of my team will be in touch in the next 24 hours to schedule your Clarity Click Session.

This is a no-risk session for you.

While it hasn’t happened yet (in decades of working with clients), if you are not satisfied with your session, I stand behind my work – always. I have never had anyone NOT get tremendous benefit from this session but, if you are the first to say so, know that I will make it right.

I look forward to working with you!

In The Words Of My Clients

Dawn Ciccone

“Lynn is a catalyst in transforming one’s talents and gifts into a productive business that is both viable and sustainable in honoring those gifts and making a living. Lynn’s ‘outside the box’ thinking produces a quantum leap to reality and actualizes opportunities as never before. For those of us unsure of where our passion or gifts lay, Lynn works in inventive ways to extract and allow one to actualize them. She has been the catalyst to catapult me forward like no one else before her could.”

~ Dawn Ciccone,

Renee Schrader

“You offer the ultimate kind of compassion that does not have a definition. You give love through the width of the band of love that is sensible, practical and expansive. You literally ‘buddy breathe’ love from the Universe to me until I can get it on my own. And you think about what’s good for the community too – what’s good for the community is good for the individual and vice-versa. There’s always a bigger picture than what I can see in the moment. Thank you for consistently showing me what I can’t see on my own.”

~ Renee Schrader,
Las Vegas, NV

Rodney Sapini

“Before working with Lynn, I dreamed and planned about being mentally free to do what I love – being a successful coach and speaker. The fear of being incomprehensible blocked me from ever doing large workshops and conferences. After working with Lynn, I have had the benefit of her incredible energy combined with her talents which allows me to feel supported in all areas of my life. I have become so confident in my life purpose that I feel I am always at the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. I finally feel alive, being my authentic self. It’s as if I learned to walk for the first time. My journey has just begun.”

~ Rodney Sapini,
The Sapini Group