Lynn Scheurell

You're in! Here your webinar logistics.

Bravo for taking action to consciously understand change and how to use the energy of change for transformation through this interactive webinar.

This will be a group Zoom call. Whether you use your video camera or not is up to you; that said, I find the energy runs cleaner when people use video (but no pressure). 

While there is an agenda around change principles, I actually don’t know exactly what we will be talking about because that depends on what you (and others) share. And if nobody wants to share, no worries – I will be channeling the whole time (just as I do in working with private clients) so the right teachings will present. 


Grow You! Webinar




About 45 minutes

Zoom Link:

Know that you can ask your question anonymously in advance, so I can answer your question during the webinar without referencing you specifically. This also helps make sure we get to your question as it’s hard to predict how many questions there will be – and time flies during these sessions!

Again, thank you for choosing me as your Catalyst… it is my sacred privilege to support your new momentum. :+)

You can email your questions privately to me here...