Lynn Scheurell

Grow You! The Breathtakingly Direct Way to be Happier

Discover How to Transcend What 'Is' to Feel Lighter Every Day

Uhhh... What?

When you know there is ‘more’ for you in life, and that you want to transcend life’s chaos and feel happier, it’s time to change things up. Change means growth… and yet, how can you possibly consider that when you’re in the middle of doing everything “life” requires every day?  

Here’s the good news… the situations, circumstances, and relationships in your life right now are part of your personal unfolding. When you learn how to interpret your life happenings as the guides they are to who you really are, everything can change. 

That’s what this course is about… achieving an unshakable state of happiness by living your essential truth no matter what is happening around you.

“Simple, yet surprisingly revealing…”

Marie Gallagher, Life Student

The Direct Path to Greater Happiness

There are three signs that signal your life is going through a shift:

  1. Where you are now is painful in contrast to where you want to be – it feels so ‘raw’ that you don’t know how to deal with it
  2. Things break, don’t work right, or even end unexpectedly, from relationships to business deals to house projects
  3. You feel like a Lamborghini stuck behind a lawn mower, going so slow when you just want to accelerate and MOVE already!

While each of these indicates you are in the energy of change, it’s an uncomfortable place to be… even more, it can feel like you can’t do anything about it.

But when you understand how to leverage that dynamic energy, you can enter a flow state that enables you to live happier. You can see the bigger picture more clearly. You can make decisions with greater clarity. And you can attract what you really want into your daily experience.And 

Why I’m Teaching This *Free* Course

This is a pre-recorded video series that teaches how you can be happier in practical terms. Sometimes my clients report that just understanding the bigger picture is enough to help them feel less anxious and able to find joy in the mundane. (Yes, even doing laundry and running errands can support happiness!)

You should know I don’t like wasting time talking about me… I prefer to focus on universal truths and conversations that matter to you living your best life. That means this series is about delivering relevant value you can use starting now – and it’s free.

My intention is to see how this information delivers value through a shift in your perception. And, frankly, I want you to experience a taste test of my magic. 

I’ve spent decades studying and working with intense insights to create transformational results in life and business. I’ve discovered there is a direct path to happiness that, ironically, means learning things that seem indirectly related to happiness. Things like:

There are two core wounds that, when addressed, can change everything. 

Your lens of perception determines your daily reality.

Who you are here to be yearns for expression and becomes intolerant to being contained.

Change happens anyway; being proactive means you can get more of what you really want.

There is power in personal truth that supercharges creating conscious change. 

You can see each of these teachings is worthy of contemplation. I’ve been called to teach transformation through intense insights. That’s why I’m compelled to share this universal wisdom… so you don’t have to go through any unnecessary rigors of discovery to live happier. (Notice I said ‘unnecessary’—that’s because growth requires discomfort. But these teachings can help you handle them with grace, ease, and even joy along the way.)

Register for the series as my gift to you in exploring how to grow through change for greater happiness...

What This Course Covers

A sneak peek for the rest of this 60-minute (total) video series…

Video 1: The Power of Personal Truth and Clear Perception

Video 2: The Four Freedoms and Frameworks

Video 3: Life Patterns That Limit Happiness

Video 4: Energy Principles to Support Happiness

I look forward to being your Catalyst for change and greater happiness! :+)

Enroll for free now.